HomeHowdy Everybody.
I'd like to welcome you to my website and blog. Within the confines of this website, you will find all sorts of fascinating tales and projects and thoughts and ideas. For those of you that know me, you are already aware of some of my eccentric bits and can simply use this site to keep up to date on my day to day activities. For those of you that don't know me, well, hopefully this website can give you some insight into the types of things I pursue in life without scaring you away too quickly. Within the confines of this website, you will find topics that will interest a variety of people. Right now, my sections on motorcycles and robots are the most well developed. They describe various projects and undertakings that show off my technical chops. Soon I will be developing a philosophy page that will describe some of the guiding thoughts and approaches I have to life. That page will eventually include some discussion of various external resources regarding philosophy that I access for my own enjoyment. Finally, I am hoping to add some sections that discuss my various adventures, exploits, and even to showcase some of my poetry and writing samples. However, those are on the back burner for now. So, with that brief introduction please feel free to explore as you see fit. After all, what's life worth if you don't spend it looking for undiscovered gems? Cheers, Brady C. Jackson |
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